Once in the desert


Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller/War

• Director: Andrey Kravchuk (The Italian)

• Starring: Sergey Borodinov, Pavel Chinaryov, Igor Gordin (Dog’s Paradise), Aleksey Komashko (To Live, Apostol), Vitaliya Kornienko (Spacewalk, Captain Volkonogov Escaped, Better Than Us), Aleksandr Metyolkin (Dead Mountain), Polina Pushkaruk (Ya ne vernus, Inkvizitor, Life and Fate, And Quiet Flows the Don), Andrey Kravchuk (The Italian), Aleksey Uchitel (Progulka, To Live!, The Major, The Fool)

• Synopsis: The ancient Syrian city Palmyra has recently been liberated from ISIS terrorists. A special War Explosive Disposal team clears way to the center from explosives left by the terrorists. The closer they get, the more destructive are the explosives. When the team falls into an ambush and the Captain is kidnapped, it’s the experienced underground bomb experts who sets out the rescue operation